symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My online existence

Okay, so I still don't have net access at home, but I've learnt to cope. (And no, its not solely for chatting/surfing purposes..nearly all my work has to be connected to the net. So.Yea. I therefore justify this rant ;) )

So here's what's been going on:

Mum came to visit over the weekend! :D So nice. Thanks mum!

I'm getting a new roommate soon! So nice. Thank you God.

I succumbed and went shopping.So nice. Thank you Visa.

I have a assignments and another oral presentation.Not so nice. No thanks procrastination.

My holiday plans are falling into place!So nice.Thank you HELP for giving me only a 3+ week holiday.

I'm settling well..sorta. A lot of good churches and groups that I can join.So nice.Thank you God.
I've had lunch with the the Chua family over 2 sundays,at the same place.Both of which included a lot of walking.Because I have the direction sense of...of..a Michelle. Thank you uncle johnson,aunty lucy and maria for getting lost with me. I hope we never go there again for anything. -_-

enilit is coming soon!soon!Sorry lah babe..cannot tumpang at my place this time..

Am also getting net connection soon!!( I hope) Thank

Cheers all!