symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why you so like that?

I hate traffic in this city. Bencibencibenci. That and the haze. Everything looks so romantic..but it's like that song.."killing me softly.." teruklah.

Life here is kind of ironic...I realised quite soon that those that can afford to stay in nice areas (ie: with parks, golf, shopping malls, cafes..etcetc) don't have much time to use/enjoy these luxuries.
And those who do have the time, don't seem quite happy at all.
And yes...I'm quite sick of shopping. Didn't think it possible, but yes. Shopping is such a.dumb.pastime.
Unless you have one of those legendary money trees...then shopping is urm....well..boring also.

But I gripe too much.
Am settling into some form of routine, and the oral presentation on monday went okay. I have another (smaller and less formal) presentation again tommorow. Whee! :P

Socially, it's way better. Although I did have a really embarrasing lapse of memory during lecture ( I blame pre-stage jitters) which resulted in me offering my muslim friend a sweet.
Redface.redface.redface. -_-

Was on the bus in the morning a few days ago, the radio was blasting that "Balik kampung!!" song, a group of Indonesians with a lot of luggage got on the bus. The bus was heading for the city centre...methinks they going home.
I also want to balik kampung.
First time ever that I can say that!!!:D