symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Sunday, April 03, 2005


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There’s something therapeutic about rain. A whole lot of noise from little drops of water.

I can’t remember the number of times I’ve walked home in the rain. I’ve walked home in a thunderstorm, in a light drizzle, in sudden showers…People tend to look at you queerly when you walk s l o w l y in a downpour. “Gila ke budak ni..?” “Kesian betul…”

Everytime I have another of my ‘wet strolls’ I come away clear-headed, cheerful and oddly, very much relaxed. List of urgent matters seem less overwhelming and people who usually antagonize the crap out of me they still antagonize me … I just find myself in a better frame of mind to handle the problem.

Rain. Wonderful, beautiful, heart-soothing rain.