symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Just a short one...this one's to the principal of the Tun Hussien Onn school..(hope I got the name right)

I'm sorry, I really am-for walking about without permission in your school compound. And even more sorry for how I acted when you told me and my friends off... we didn't realize the security problem it was for a couple of unknown teens to be walking in the school especially on a day when it's supposed to be closed.

Lady, I know the possiblities of you reading this site is virtually nil..and you probably won't remember me or even see me again.....but I suppose this is just to soothe my guilty conscience so I can sleep at night.

God!!! This guarding my heart,mind and tongue is TOUGH!!
Couldn't it be something easier? Like ...making my bed...>_<....sighs