symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Friday, March 18, 2005


Wah-hahaha…found him on a blog I was reading

Am on a week’s break..3 days of which was filled with a bio project..(all that work for only a *#(*$^% 60 pages of work…yeeesh..)

1 day irritating the bunch of people whom I went to Singapore with – should have forewarned them about mua BEFORE they thought it’ll be ok to bring mich along..ah well..maybe I’ll remember next time…who am I kidding..what “NEXT TIME”?!

1 day being down the ODC

2 more days…2 more days

[ edits:bloody hell...I don't like being told what to do...and NO!! i don't need to be told what i can or cannot do...stop friggin trying to control me! get a dog or something!!even numa numa isn't going to make it better now]