symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Friday, February 04, 2005

being human

Life is very good. I understand chemistry for the first time *yay!*
Been having the annual (and my last) sukantara. I’ve learnt that being stubborn isn’t always good…spraining my back has actually taught me some things…like 4km isn’t that far to jog, and exercise, while good for health can actually make injuries worst. I know, I people didn’t know that right? :P

Anyways..on the subject of learning new things.
It’s my final-PreU year here….have gotten over the initial irritation/egoistical self-centredness at having to do F6 which is supposedly harder and longer than doing an A-level course. F6 is harder, owing to the fact that you one exam which covers the whole syllabus as opposed to splitting it up into a few tests...and you have to still wear a uniform..AND attend assemblies...
But other than that,its been awesome. I’ve met people who are so different from the clique I’ve gotten used to. Being placed far apart from people who’ve learnt to put up with me for the last 5 or more years, comfortable friends…people whom I don’t have to make myself likeable to….
In a way it’s been a wake-up call, reminding me that I’m getting ready to change my a physical way that is. And also to see how my values, thinking, personality have changed over the years. New people, new ideas, new, new, new.
There’s a sense of detachment in the relationships formed during this few months which comes from the understanding that this is the last pitstop, a last hurrah of sorts before having to
simply…. grow up.

Yeah…F6 was a good idea…now all I have to do is get through it…in one piece. Heh.