symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Why you read this blog.

I believe that time is precious. And knowledge is gold. So I always try to ensure that my blog readers (all 2 of you-myself and I!) always read something interesting..

Presenting: Michelle's interesting discoveries today!

At number 1:The fathead

A Fathead (genus Psychrolutes) trawled during the NORFANZ expedition at a depth between 1013 m and 1340 m, on the Norfolk Ridge, north-west of New Zealand, June 2003 ...(read more)

Number 2: The supers

Works by Gilles Barbier..(see more)

Number 3:The nintentar?
 an old nintendo..enjoying a second life as a guitar..(read more)

And at 4th place: Livingstones

And last but not least...a new form of 'child abuse' -flinging them on rocks...(read more)