symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Another week down! Found out the confirmed dates for trials-21st to 27th which is pretty good, considering how Malaysian school are notorious for having ridiculously drawn-out all i have to do i study :P

Fridays are always a fun day for me. Lab periods half the schooling day, math and the school cell group after at the Golden Arches, (we have our own table!!) then it's home to shower and pack for another 2-half hours of non-stop chemistry-small detour here:
The teacher who conducts my chem tution class has it in her church-awesome lady,the first thing she made clear on the first day of class was

"Any 'free time' before and after tuition will be used to talk about Jesus..any objections?"

Fortunately, her class is the kind that students queue up for, plus it's a once a week only thing. It's a really packed class,the students sit at a minimum of SIX per table-the normal foldable ones. So, everyone has heard about God's offer of salvation and I've learnt that form 6 students are more open to discussions on religion...heh

After Chem it's back home again for a quick dinner and cell group again. I used to have arguments with my mum about skipping CG, claiming that it was an "adult" thing and really boring for me...
Am glad that she was persistent..count it one of my greatest blessings in life to meet up with people who've not only watched me grow up, but also show me what a christian family is like -crazy people, kids, laughter, prayer, bible study and a lot of good food from different households ;P

Sounds a tad routine? Maybe, but these days I'm glad for routine.
Have a good weekend people! Don't do things you'll regret on Monday!