symptoms of [mal]function

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Friday, August 26, 2005

reading binge

Have not been keeping up with my studies.Ugh.
Got to get my studying groove on..

'neways been reading some "famous" books the past week:
Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie and The 5 People You Meet in Heaven
Okay books..despite all the hype I heard about them when they came out..methinks they make for light reading on days where one needs a mental diversion.

Also read Mark Haddon's award winning The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.Liked this one much more..all the clear,concise sentences and the way the storyline flows smoothly, without being too predictable

Now its C.S Lewis:Mere Christianity that I'm plowing through.The chapters are short but so full of ideas, questions..

Guess this

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is having real competition

Yes.I like reading : )