symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Dog Temp

Meet Sparky
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Hyper-active, 3 month old superdog wannabe

This cocker spaniel is MINE!!All mine!! Okay,was mine for 4 hours yesterday..but still..
Since we can't get a dog of our own because no one at home has the time to care for it, my mum "borrowed" a friend's puppy for the afternoon! Awesome right? It's like all the fun without any of the work.Heh

He went ballistic in my backyard, trying to eat everything:soil,dry leaves,
grass,newspaper..the shovel
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For those out there who are like me, having a puppy in your house is like having a toddler around..nothing you say is obeyed, everything is a potential source of mess and like a kid who zones out after running amuck the whole day,puppies do just the same...
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*if you're wondering why there aren't any full-on shots of Sparky,well..let's just say the digicam+dog+me the klutz cannot jell