symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Sunday, September 25, 2005


I need to get out.
Anywhere, I don't care, just anywhere.

I've always had this need, keep going on and on.
Just one more new place, one more new face..
Some people get their kicks from partying, extreme sports..I get my buzz from traveling.
Having to keep it latent is in a paper cup, you can't contain liquid in it for too long else the bottom will just give way.

It's not like "I like to travel and gain new experiences, broaden my viewpoint ..etcetcetc"
Those who feel the same way i do, you know what i'm talking about.
It's this great need that keeps you awake at night, the slow creep of suffocation when you get stuck in a place for too long. The helplessness you feel sometimes when faced with familiarity, routine, repetition. You feel like screaming, hoping it'll break some kind of invisible chain, setting you free.

Not that routine is bad. Familiarity breeds trust-another essential of life. Everyone needs a base to refuel, regroup.

Maybe it's my need to always move on. To try something new, different.
Or maybe, it's the fear of being too attached and trapped by my own emotional 'wants'.
Either way, I just need fresh input, new vibes..inspiration.

so intent on finding a place you belong
but discontented when you're anywhere for long
were you ever so impatient?
or is it more like desperation?

-rearrange, TheAnimators-