symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Heh..I have a lovely schedule this semester-only 3/4 days of classes in a week :D
Am living in a house with 8 other females!
So far there's been loud laughter and normal housemate stuff like 'paying a visit to another room'.
It seems to be turning out well..we'll see, we'll see.

Other than this boring domestic update-I'm falling apart. Or rather I'm scratching myself apart.
The doctor says it's bedbugs. I say not, because:
A)New mattress
B)Clean sheets
C)Clean person

But regardless, it was bugspray all over the bed frame and the mattress taken out to sun.
Die you stupid bugs.
I look like I'm coming down with some kinda disease and resemble a certain primate when the Zambuk wears off.
That and a small suspicious-looking painful lump on my left arm.