symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A is for excellence..

So I've been learning a lot about patience these past few months...
I waited for my exam results
I waited for plans to come through
I waited for my university application
I waited for people to talk to me
I waited to talk to people
I waited for paint to dry
I waited for errands to be done
I waited for the day to go by
I waited for a job
I waited for a million other little things
I waited and waited and waited

I hate uncertainty, there's this small part of me (okay..maybe not that small) that's this psychotic control-freak that MUST have complete and utter power over what is going on for her. that last sentence did sound a tad psychotic.

So I was saying,
Waiting patiently.
It's not hard to wait..actually its impossible not to wait. But waiting patiently is another thing.

Oh the lessons I have to learn Lord...will I ever ever get through them all?