symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Sunday, May 07, 2006


You're not a nice person Michelle. Deal with it.
So, with my dad semi-fainting, a friend in the hospital and another with a sprained back..
its been quite the quiet weekend.

During Sunday worship today..I happened to glance around and was just filled with a sense of utter and complete wonder.

No, not at prostrate worshippers or entralled believers but rather,wonder at the number of people who came to church just to go home the same way.
I know, who am I to judge. Afterall the Spirit moves in ways no one can comprehend.
But honestly. What drives these people to church every Sunday when there's no significant change or benefit?

What an utter waste of time.

Yet there's something that gets people up early on Sunday morning,to sit through 2 hours of routine.

Are they looking for God?Am I?