symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Am back from camp..graduated this year!!
For those of you who think its weird,nerdy and corny to be able to graduate from a're right-lah. :P
It's been a good 3 years (i still insist it's THREE years and not TWO...
pinkorangutans count differently)

I've come to love the dnaers..they've become a big extended family whom I depend on..and most of the time tease a hell of a lot too!

The year is drawing to an close,dna has 'ended' for me, my schooling days are fast becoming fond memories..what now?
Am excited to see what new challenges are coming up, trying new stuff out. (Rock climbing soon!)
At the same time, bracing myself for a season of goodbyes.
Telling myself, that the dull ache I feel more often these days is a sign of a healthy,growing life.

I'm a bad liar when I try to convince myself.