symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Of milo-tin pancakes and fans

The fan in my class caught fire today-nice, warm, orangey glow emitted from the wires connecting it to the main system.ah well…another one bites the dust!we’re keeping track of it..3 lights out of the 6 already don’t work..3 more lights and now, only 2 more fans to go before the whole ceiling turns into a pretty fireworks display.heh
I remember my mid-autumn festival tradition. adik, the two kids from next door and I, used to make this leetle pancakes from dough and cook them on a milo™ tin cover over a coupla billion candles, those small lantern ones mah.. …hey! they were edible okay!! quite yummy too, even those that fell into the dry drain ( we dusted them off- *puff*puff*) awesome fun.

Too bad we never took pictures. Now I have no proof and years down the road my kids will think I’m lying.
Anyways. Selamat Hari Kuih Bulan!