symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Saturday, September 04, 2004

the purple issue

Throat lozenges are the worst things in the world.
Can’t bite them. Can’t chew them. Can’t even wash them down with a few glasses of coke.
You’ve got to suck them
First it overpowers your tongue-making it incapable of doing what any normal, self-respecting tongue would do.
Then it dissolves. Playing tricks on your mind it silently hides behind a façade of sweetness..waiting..then * wham*
This indescribable bitterness ala arsenic powder floods your throat.
Warning bells go off!! And that little trampoline waaay down in your tummy starts getting in place to hurl a whole breakfast worth of food upwards.
And there you are-immobilized by one little pastille. You don’t swallow them. You don’t spit it out. You just sit there and suck at the round object in your mouth. Because the doctor said so. Because you mother once said, while you were a kid, that if you didn’t finish the lozenge you would go mute. Or deaf. :P
Millions of people around the whole languish in silence through this ordeal.
Which brings me now to my scheme to free all the sufferers out there.
Make purple lozenges
Everyone knows that purple brings to mind the good things in life.
Ripe plums. Grape juice. Gummy bears. Popsicles. Barney. Triple-fudge-extra-sprinkles-cake….with frosting.
So. If lozenges were made purple-we would eat them. Suck them happily.
Purple lozenges will revolutionize the whole world and sucking methods.
So there. Another idea to save the world-I see a bright happy future out there..