symptoms of [mal]function

can you see the signs?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The weather has been unbearable these past week.
Feels like I'm being slowly steamed..kinda like how a pau would feel.
Its so warm, I can actually feel the heat rising out of me : /
Am down with a very bad sore throat..or more dramatically, as the doctor put it:
"You have an infection of the larnyx and pharnyx"
Whatever it is, its reduced my verbal volume to something softer than a whisper.
It also means I won't be working tommorow : )

Jon was just here for the day (actually yesterday). Poor fella, came to spend some time with us-only to find a mute michelle and his host (yosh) for the night ill. heh...maybe we're allergic to him :P
Ah well, gave him the opportunity to play nurse..not that yosh was very accepting of his offers to mollycoddle him -_-

Went driving around randomly with jon after dinner.
Was fun! Haven't done it in a while.
I really do like driving at night much much more.
Turning the radio up,whizzing down almost empty roads.
Its also much,much quieter at night.
I go for long, aimless drives when I need to think, or chat with someone,
or just to drive.
Man, I am so going to miss having my own transport when I leave for U.
Any sponsors for the tabung kebajikan kereta michelle?